Wednesday 12 January 2011

그럼 왜 우리를 사랑합니까?

I long more than anything to give.
I long to give my comfort. To give my love. To give my protection.
In return for these things I ask but one thing. I ask that you will long for these gifts as much as I long to give them to you. Love is a complicated idea. It is not a game like most people say. Games have the same trivial goals as children.
Love is a thing that will keep you awake all night, aching and sighing in your grief. It is like a sickness that when you come out of, either makes you stronger or kills you by the festering battle scars. To desire to conquer someone so tenderly...
To want so badly that this person not come to harm that they should love you alone is an oxymoron. This passion leads directly to selfish behaviour and then to the speculation of moral philosophy. Love is a maze of morals and emotions.
It is a wine too strong for much drinking, but the bitter-sweet taste is so addicting to the palette that you drink it anyhow. The drunkness is either recieved well or with madness.
So why do we love?
If it is a dangerous practice ... why we do it?
Sin can be sweet...can it not?


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