Tuesday 18 January 2011


For a project, I am writing in verse. In particular 5th Asclepiadean! Mr. Kem says it is the most difficult verse. He was so cruelly ridiculing me when I told him my idea! Haha xD
I will still continue despite the fact that it is very difficult.. Hahaha he was right! Anyway, I finished a row (very incorrectly of course but I have worked so long that the product of my labour must be shown anyway XD):

(I give loose praise and a word on account of the silent leopard...)

Also ... My thesis for Western Civ. was rejected because it was too contraversial to present to the class. Dr. Werener is an incredible classicist who will read and critique my paper outside of school though :) My initial, rough-draft thesis was as follows:

It is important to tether in mind that Modern American society is worlds apart from Ancient Greek society, especially when speculating customs and behaviours in antiquity. It is an easy mistake to apply personal biases, based on modern habits, to situations of antiquity but nonetheless, it is a mistake that must be avoided in order to better understand foreign cultures and cultures lost in time. Paidestras is a custom that is specifically targeted by such biases. The bahaviour associated with homosexual relationships is a contraversial tarpit for Modern Americans and so recieves contraversial connotations even in its original ancient setting. Homosexuality between males was, in fact, not looked down upon but encouraged in antiquity. Exceptions are homosexual relationships between women which existed, especially in Dyonisic cults, but were viewed as strange and vulgar; and homosexual relationships between adult males around the same age, again, which happened but were considered to be astray of the true purpose of Paidestras.

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