Wednesday 26 January 2011


"If I am the great king then you are my Hephaistion. A true beloved in the eyes of one who is beloved by others. With your level head and tender nature, my impulses and ego may sit tranquil at the lapping shores of amor. Had I been there in Babylonia, you would have been deified. For I love you more than the greatest lion in history loved his most important and trusted lamb." ~A.H.M.

Ponderings on the topic of religion and freedom...

I once believed in a god full of clemency and adoration for his creation. I was raised to go to church, not every sunday, but often enough to know what most people thought about fate.
But that god failed me and more importantly he failed many others as well. Why should one sit back and praise a name that tests so many to their breaking points (and too often they break)? I suppose you could say that they had done something to deserve it. Certainly I am earning of punishment but what of those who aren't? Is it merely a test of faith? What a game. Someone who had so much love in himself for something dear to him would not do such a thing, would he? Perhaps it is a divine understanding of suffering that we are unable to understand. I will deny no reasoning as I am aware of the mental capacity of even the most "intelligent" of human beings but I am doubtful (yet another human trait). Why would some entity create an entire race to watch them worship him, punish them when they don't and see them try their whole lives to recieve his higher hand? It sounds like a dictatorship. Like a cruel game that not a single animal should be forced upon. People should be free to choose for themselves what they will. And many of us are. It is my own choosing to believe only in what I make for myself. Nobody, in my opinion, shall make me into something. That is what I must do on my own. Even oppressed peoples who are told to believe in something, may choose in their minds if they truly agree or not, even if they are forbidden physical practice. In the words of Aristotle... "The body is worth nothing without the mind to rule it, as its function is to labour that the mind may live."
I strive not to uphold one view in favour of crushing another. I admire people of strong faith because I was too weak to hold any. I only encourage people to not let go of the reigns not give them all to your god but rather take what blessings you are given and help them along. The king may give you a beautiful pony but you must work with your own hands to tame him to your liking. And the same if you are left with a limping steed who reeks of the filth called labour...You must comb out the tangles in his mane and begin him only walking so that he may be nursed to a brilliant canter.

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